Saturday, July 7, 2012


I haven't been here for awhile and I don't have any real excuse beyond being lazy and having no inspiration. But I have inspiration now.
How do you deal with change?
It doesn't matter what change, just how you deal with it. Though some changes are better than others, whenever it's a big change, there's always going to be some kind of uncertainty. Well, sometimes. It really depends on your personality and the situation.
With me, I hate change. I know that change is healthy and that if there wasn't any change there'd be no such thing as butterflies, but there's a huge difference between knowing it in your head and feeling it in your heart.
I hate feeling out of control and I hate it when things change. Especially because the bad changes stand out the most. I can remember almost every single one of the huge and bad changes. It weighs me down sometimes. But I come back up. That's one of the benefits of my moods shifting quickly, I guess.
So I don't deal with change well. In fact, even with some good changes I haven't reacted well. I hate it that much.
But there are times when I desperately want change. Whenever a change happens, I wish fervently for something to change to make it all okay again. Or to make it change back. But it's always the things that you can't change that you want to change, isn't it.