Wednesday, June 6, 2012


So I'm new to this. No duh, seeing as this is my first post. I don't know if anyone will read this, and I don't care. I'm just here to write and to try to be heard. To wonder and to create.
Every post, I think I'll ask a question at the end. A question that might come with a story on my life. After all, this blog is titled My Life. Maybe I should change that, but oh well for now.
Almost all of the basics will be a lie. You'll have to guess which of them aren't. The basics are this: My name is April, the month of diamonds and rain. I'm a girl. I was born right after Valentine's Day. I am fifteen years old.
Now, if anyone's reading this, I have a question for you.
When was the last time you felt happy?
I'm being perfectly serious. Being happy is a relative thing. The things that can make you happy are the things that can make you sad. that's why I think it's harder to get over sadness and anger than joy. Isn't there a saying about how it's the people that love you who'll break your heart? It's true.
A personal example is that of a friend. She's my best friend. She's pretty much my sister. We've had baking accidents together, played together at a school's playground, and complained together. Whenever I go over to her house, we have a game where she claims that I'm a girl scout there to sell cookies. I always ask where the baked goods or coconut are in the house.
Now she's moving. She has a choice on whether to leave or go. She chose to leave. I understand her reasoning, but does that make it any less sad? No.
So I ask a different question this time. What was that thing that made you happy?
Was it your crush smiling at you? Was it getting the winning shot or goal or whatever in a game? Was it the thought of school finally being over? Was it seeing the flowers grow? Was it playing an innocent prank on a friend?
Keep ahold of that thing that made you happy. There are too many sad people in the world.

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